
F-UJI (FAIRsFAIR Research Data Object Assessment Service)

Developers: Anusuriya Devaraju, Robert Huber


F-UJI is a web service to programatically assess FAIRness of research data objects based on metrics developed by the FAIRsFAIR project. This website aims to demonstrate the application of the web service as a backend to implement a user friendly web application which allows the evaluation of FAIRness of digital research data objects (aka data sets).

The 'F' stands for FAIR (of course) and 'UJI' means 'Test' in Malay. So F-UJI is a FAIR testing tool.

Cite as: Anusuriya Devaraju, & Robert Huber. (2020). F-UJI - An Automated FAIR Data Assessment Tool. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6361400

Assessment Scope, Constraint and Limitation

The service is in development and its assessment depends on several factors.


The F-UJI user interface offered here aims to give the interested public the possibility to see how the output of F-UJI test results look like.
F-UJI is rapidly evolving and not yet available in a productive environment.

To test the REST service against a larger number of data sets, we recommend to install your own server using the latest code available there.
Please visit the F-UJI Github page and follow the installation instructions https://github.com/pangaea-data-publisher/fuji